FDF - How to avoid legal stumbling blocks when launching a new product

Free Event

Launching new products can feel like unchartered territory for any business, whether it’s your first ever product launch or a new product in a successful range.

This webinar will guide you through some of the legal issues you should consider before launching your product, which will help you reduce the risk of any last-minute hurdles to overcome in the run up to launch.

Shepherd and Wedderburn’s Carly Duckett, Kevin Clancy and Ashley McLean will take you through some of the issues they’ve seen businesses face and give you practical advice on how to avoid a similar situation yourself.

The webinar will cover:

  • Using intellectual property rights to protect your product and the importance of prior clearance searches to avoid product names already in use.
  • Making sure you’ve addressed the relevant regulatory considerations before launching
  • Avoiding disputes when marketing your product on social media