Cat Size-O-Meter.

UKPF Size-O-Meter - Sizing chart - Cats.jpg

If you're wondering if your cat is too heavy or skinny, or you just want to know the healthy weight range for a cat, our cat size and weight chart can help!


As a cat owner, you should check your cat's size and weight regularly to make sure they are a healthy size. If you're wondering if your cat is too heavy or skinny, or you just want to know the healthy weight range for a cat, our cat size and weight chart can help! 

There are some cases where the natural shape of a cat may mean this simple system doesn’t translate as easily. For example, if your cat has a long coat, it may be difficult to judge their shape.

There are also some breeds of cats, such as Maine Coon, that are generally larger than the average moggie. However, they should still have the same body shape. If you need help using this chart, please take it to your vet or pet care professional for advice.If you need help using this chart, please take it to your vet or pet care professional for advice.





To assess your cat's weight & size

Stand your cat in front of you and gently run your fingers along the side of your cat. 

If you can see and feel the ribs

If you can very easily feel the ribs, spine, hips, or other bony prominence such as the shoulders, your cat may be too thin.

If there is a thin layer of fat covering the ribs

If you can feel the ribs with some very light finger pressure, then your cat is likely to be in good shape.

If you can feel the indentation of the waist when you run your fingers along the backs and sides


If you can feel the waist indentation, your cat may be fine or just slightly overweight.


Can you feel a significant layer of fat or padding when you move your hand over the lower back and hips?

If yes and there is a marked drooping of your cat’s belly, your cat is likely to be very overweight.
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Understanding & maintaining your cat's size/shape

What to do if your cat is too skinny or too heavy

If your cat is too thin or too heavy, ask your local vet for advice. The vet will look for any underlying health problems as to why your pet may be too thin or too heavy.

If there are no underlying health issues, a change of diet and lifestyle suitable for your cat may be suggested.

Many vet practices run free weight management consultations led by the veterinary nurse who can check whether your cat is overweight or not. Give your local practice a call to see what services they provide. An increasing number of pet shops are also offering free weight checks.

How to maintain a healthy cat weight

Once your cat is in ideal condition, continue to monitor its weight and body shape. If you think weight is creeping back on, take steps to ensure your pet is getting enough exercise and you or anyone else in your family is not over feeding.

It can be a challenge for your cat to stay in peak physical condition, particularly if there are lifestyle changes. Let's not forget that humans often over indulge at Christmas or on holiday, and the same will often apply to your cat.

Be mindful of these lifestyle changes, and try to keep your cat’s routine as consistent as possible.