25 Jul 2024

UK Pet Food’s Statement in response to British Veterinary Association (BVA) Policy Position on Diet Choices for Cats and Dogs

On the 24th of July 2024, the British Veterinary Association (BVA) released a new policy paper focusing on diet choices for cats and dogs. The paper provides important insights and recommendations for the industry, addressing key topics such as nutrition, sustainability, and pet health. You can read the full policy position here.

UK Pet Food have reviewed the BVA's findings and are pleased to share our official response, highlighting our commitment to supporting pet owners with accurate and helpful information.

“We welcome the BVA’s new paper on diet choices for cats and dogs and are pleased to see that it aligns closely with much of our core work with members, including on the importance of nutrition, sustainability, pet obesity and safety and standards."

“Like the BVA, at UK Pet Food we understand that owners are facing increasingly complex choices when it comes to feeding their pets. We know that it can be overwhelming to navigate through all the information out there about diet choices. That's why we, along with our members, are dedicated to providing pets with nutritionally balanced, safe, affordable, and environmentally sustainable diets. But we also want to make sure that pet owners have access to reliable, clear, and scientifically backed information to help them make the right choices for them and their much-loved pets."

“We look forward to continuing to work with the BVA to help raise standards, offer educational resources and advance pet health and wellbeing through quality nutrition, from a sustainable and progressive UK pet food industry.”

Sarah Hormozi, Head of Science and Education, UK Pet Food

Please email our team if you need a more detailed verion of our response.