14 Jun 2024

Pet Food Labelling - A Range of Options for a Range of Foods & Owners


Pet food labelling can be confusing. But, seeing unknown or technical terms on pet food labels doesn’t mean that owners should be worried. Creating healthy and nourishing meals for pets, giving them the daily nutrients they need, in the right proportion for their age and size, and delivering this in convenient and safe formats is a complex process and this is often reflected on a label.


Pet owners can rest assured that the UK maintains very robust standards for feed safety and animal welfare. Pet food is subject to over 50 pieces of legislation – and so while you might not understand all the individual terms used on a label, you can rest assured that ALL commercially prepared pet food manufactured and sold here, meets the highest standards of quality and safety in the world.

We want to help you understand the labels – as much as possible! There is lots of detail in our Understanding Pet Food Labelling Factsheet but here we highlight and summarise a few of the main differences.

This comprehensive guide explains:

Complete vs. Complementary Pet Food: Distinguish between foods that provide all essential nutrients and those designed to supplement a pet's main diet.

Ingredients Composition: Clarify whether ingredients are listed by specific name or category, helping you ensure transparency and quality.

Key Claims Decoded: Understand what terms like "rich in" or "high in" really mean. Learn the percentage requirements for each protein and the significance of terms like "with" or "contains."