QCL - PFMA's Newest Associate Member
The Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association (PFMA) are delighted to welcome our latest Associate Member – QCL who provide analytical solutions to the pet food industry.
Some of the instrumentation QCL offers enables monitoring of oil and fat rancidity, Composition analysis by FT-NIR or wet chemistry and rapid microbiology systems. They bring a host of experience in this sector and will be collaborating with PFMA on educational webinars and editorial content.
New to the pet food sector is the CDR FoodLab from QCL, allowing rapid rancidity detection and oil analysis on-site. FoodLab enables manufacturers to measure FFA and rancidity in oils and fats quickly and easily. Additionally, it enables testing for multiple key parameters in your ingredients and also extracted oil from meals and finished products to monitor expected shelf life.
Michael Bellingham, Chief Executive of PFMA advises: “We are pleased to welcome QCL Scientific onboard. The partnerships we build through associate membership are valuable for not only the networking opportunities they bring, but also enhancing the training and knowledge development within the sector.”
Jamie Duncan Head of Sales & Product Management at QCL added: “As suppliers of analytical equipment to the pet food industry we are delighted to join the PFMA. The expertise available within the organisation will help us to learn more about the pet food sector and we look forward to contributing to members knowledge of the measurement of critical parameters in oils and other ingredients that have a significant effect on the quality and shelf-life of finished products.”
Please get in touch with QCL Scientific with any queries you may have:
Jamie Duncan (jamie.duncan@qclscientific.com; 01342 820820), Head of Sales & Product Management