Getting a cat’s diet right from kittenhood helps way beyond the first few years of life
Getting a cat’s diet right from kittenhood helps way beyond the first few years of life
Packed with gorgeous pictures and covering a range of areas including:- what to feed and how much, when to switch to an adult diet, how to introduce a new diet and advice for monitoring weight gain, the factsheet will help kitten owners get their pet’s diet right from a very early stage.
Nicole Paley, PFMA Deputy Chief Executive, advises: “Getting the diet right for kittens (and puppies) from the offset is so important. It is key to preventing obesity later down the line. Feeding a specially formulated kitten food, following the feeding guidelines on the pet food packet, and keeping an eye on weight gain are the three key steps to follow.”
The kitten nutrition factsheet is suitable for pet care professionals and owners alike and can be downloaded at:
*an updated version of this factsheet is available here