With a wide range of food types, on the market for small mammals, pet owners are often confused between the terms used to describe these product formats. In this factsheet the different terms used are described with examples and images.
We are aware that some retailers are currently experiencing shortages of pet food pouches due to unprecedented demand. However, we would like to reassure pet owners there is a good supply of pet food in all other formats across the brands.
PFMA responds to recent media comments on pet food labels. An article in the media today focused on pet food labelling and suggested that pet food manufacturers are not being transparent when using generic labelling terms. This is not the case.
The world of pet supplements is diverse, with a wide range of products offering all sorts of functions and benefits. But what should pet professionals advise pet owners when asked about supplements?
Following last night’s episode of ‘Trust Me I’m a Vet’, PFMA would like to reassure pet owners that they should not be concerned about arsenic levels in fish based pet food
Recent research among 2100 pet owners and 150 veterinary professionals conducted by the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association (PFMA) indicates a high level of confidence in the pet food industry.