Use our Cat-Size-O-Meter cat size chart and top tips for cat weight management to help you determine if your cat is a healthy weight, too skinny or too heavy.
To celebrate National Kitten Day (Friday 10 July), PFMA has released a new factsheet with all the guidance needed to ensure a healthy balanced diet for the nation’s kittens.
Understanding kitten nutrition helps your new feline friend live a happy and healthy life far beyond their first few months. Learn more from UK Pet Food.
The world of pet supplements is diverse, with a wide range of products offering all sorts of functions and benefits. But what should pet professionals advise pet owners when asked about supplements?
PFMA is aware of the recent study from Exeter University that focuses on cat predation and the role of specific interventions including play and diet in limiting this natural behaviour. As an organisation committed to the well-being of all animals, including the wildlife population and biodiversity, we welcome research in this area.
On 26 August, the FSA issued an updated statement, which highlighted that following extensive wide scale laboratory testing, no causative link between the recalled cat food and feline pancytopenia has been established.
The Royal Veterinary College (RVC) are currently investigating a spike in cats presenting with the symptoms of pancytopenia. This is a condition which causes a deficiency in all types of blood cells. Symptoms can include fever, pale gums, blood in the urine and faeces and bleeding from the nose.