Pet food FAQs

Common questions about pet foods, diets, ingredients & manufacturing
FAQs – pet food types, diets & ingredients:
What's the difference between 'complete' and 'complementary' pet foods?
Complete: nutritionally complete, providing all the nutrients in the amounts and proportions the pet needs.
Complementary: These foods are designed to be a part of the diet; however they do not meet the known nutritional requirements when fed alone so they must be fed along with an additional food type such as mixer biscuits in the case of the dog, or hay, in the case of rabbits. All complementary foods are labelled as such with appropriate feeding guidelines.
What are breed-specific diets?
There is a wide range of pet food on the market to meet all needs and preferences; this includes diets that have been formulated to meet the individual needs of specific breeds.
The characteristics of a dog or cat can vary between the breeds, from long hair to short hair, a tendency to leanness or to put on weight, or a tendency to a sensitive stomach. Breed specific diets have been produced to meet any specific needs that result from these characteristics. To find the right diet for your pet, speak to your local vet or pet care professional.
Is there any reason why people choose a particular brand of pet food?
We conducted some market research in to what influences pet food buying decisions.
Our research highlighted that 96% of owners say enjoyment by their pet is the key determinant when choosing pet food. The format of the food is next up (89%) followed by suitability (e.g. for older pets). Product benefits (e.g. calcium for healthy teeth and bones), variety and brand are other key determinants.
The data shows that brand loyalty is high, with the majority of pet owners having one or two favourite brands that they return to.
What ingredients/materials are typically used in pet food?
This rules out the use of material from horses, ponies, whales, and other sea mammals, and many other species.
The pet food industry uses materials from beef, lamb, poultry and pork origin, fish, shellfish, rabbit and game.
Do commercial prepared pet foods contain artificial additives?
The use of additives in both human and pet food is based on the safety standards that the additive:
- must be necessary
- must be effective
- must be safe.
Additives are used in both human and pet food to keep it's quality, texture, consistency, appearance, odour or taste. Additives are used in pet food in very small amounts. Some additives are derived from naturally occurring materials (usually plants) and others are artificially produced substances. They have been used for centuries to preserve food and provide a range of palatable attractive and affordable foods.
For foods which are not canned, preservatives and antioxidants are very important for maintaining the safety of the food supply as well as extending the product's shelf life. They help prevent spoilage from microbiological contamination and stop fats from going rancid. Spoiled foods carry the risk of food poisoning if consumed.
Pet food manufacturers adhere strictly to the legislation governing what can and cannot be used in pet food -The Feeding Stuffs Regulations 2005. These regulations lay down the categories and levels of additives permitted in pet food.
There is no veterinary evidence to suggest that additives used at permitted levels in pet food are in anyway harmful to healthy dogs and cats.
What defines a pet food as being 'Premium' or 'Super premium'?
Factors include ingredients used, quality of ingredients and investment in innovation in the product. Manufacturers of a super premium product tend to include the latest nutritional developments in product formulation. As a result, Super premium diets will go beyond routine maintenance of health and see how health can be enhanced by using ingredients such as anitoxidants for immune support and glucosamine for joint care.
FAQs – terminology & labelling:
What does it mean when the label refers to 'meat & animal derivatives'?
Does 'meat & animal derivatives (4% chicken)' mean the label only contains 4% meat?
The 4% declaration is a legal labelling requirement which represents the minimum percentage content of the characterising ingredient guaranteed to be present by the manufacturer.
What does the term 'ash' refer to?
FAQs – manufacturing & production:
Does the pet food industry act responsibly towards the environment?
The pet food industry constantly aims to meet its objectives in a manner which is responsible to society and the environment. Concern for environmental and ethical issues has led to the development of various voluntary policies within the industry such as those outlined on the Ingredients page. UK Pet Food also encourages the efficient use of energy (including reclamation) in the production of raw materials and packaging, and in pet food manufacturing and transportation.
The industry's use of by-products from the human food and agricultural industries prevents the need for, and the costs of, disposal. It reduces the price of meat for human consumption and reduces the demands on the human food larder. UK Pet Food members are skilled in converting these by-products into added-value pet foods which help to ensure proper nutrition and hence play a significant role in the health of the pet population. Under the Environmental Protection Act - Prescribed Processes Regulations, pet food manufacturers have to register their factories with their local authority and meet certain comprehensive standards.
We support:
The efficient use of energy, resources and water for the production of safe, palatable and nutritious pet food.
The minimisation of all waste that may arise from the manufacturing process, including packaging materials.
The responsible design, operation and maintenance of processes and plants to minimise adverse environmental impact on the local community and, in particular, to:
- minimise emissions of harmful material to the environment
- minimise objectionable odours
- improve the appearance of manufacturing sites and premises where possible by means of landscaping and maintenance of buildings.
The use and development of appropriate packaging, without loss of safety or technological efficiency. Thus, fewer demands will be made on irreplaceable natural resources and packaging can be disposed of in a way which causes minimum impact on the environment. Schemes for the reduction, re-use, recycling and incineration of waste to reclaim energy are particularly important.
The provision of labelling which is clear, unambiguous and not misleading to consumers about the environmental impact or otherwise of a particular product.
The industry recognises that responsibility to the environment is as central to good manufacturing practice as considerations of safety and quality UK Pet Food members are informed about, and comply with, relevant national and local environmental controls. Accordingly, we recognise that legislation to protect the environment should be based on sound scientific evidence.